Ok now I don't know about you but I'm a little particular when making sunnyside up or fried eggs. I want the to be perfectly together and not run all over the pan. Especially when I have to turn them over because I hate runny whites. Well thanks to Jillee I made them just perfect this morning! The secret I believe was the Mason Jar rings.

Since the pictures are pretty self-explanatory…I won’t restate the obvious here…but I will add a few “tips” to make this method work best.
Tip #1: Make sure the pan is HOT before you break the eggs into the rings. That way they start cooking right away and won’t seep out from under the rings.
Tip #2: Crack egg and drop into ring S L O W L Y (or as slowly as you can). Again, this will help to keep it from seeping out from under the ring.
Tip #3: Spray the rings LIBERALLY with your favorite cooking spray. This will allow for easy removal of the ring when the eggs are done to your liking.
Tip #4: Once eggs are cooking in their rings…pour a few tablespoons of water in the pan and cover with a lid. I’ve found that steaming them to finish them off results in the most tender eggs. Did you try it? How did they come out? Please let me know :-)
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