- Materials
- Clean plastic gallon milk jugs
- Black permanent marker
- Craft knife
- String of 50 clear low-wattage holiday lights
- Instructions
- Draw ghost eyes and mouths on the jugs. Tip: Leave the caps on while you do this, so the jugs don't dent.
- Use the craft knife to cut a half-dollar-size hole in the back of each jug (a parent's job).
- Arrange the ghosts near each other and string the lights between them, stuffing several bulbs into each of the jugs.I would put and inch or two of sand the bottom of the jugs to make sure they don't blow down in the wind.. Also you might consider cutting a hole in the back side of the jug and inserting an led candle light instead of the string of holiday lights.This is sure to be an interesting outdoor decoration!
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