For migraine sufferers: You may find a trick or two in this list that could provide some relief but this is a much more complicated ailment and requires the expertise and direction of your doctor.
If you haven’t looked into feverfew yet, check it out. The idea is to grow a plant indoors and eat a few fresh leaves each day…this is a preventative measure only and not a migraine cure. Be aware that it could conflict with medications so speak to your doctor about it first. Also note that this is not recommended for pregnant women.

Brew a fresh cup when you feel a headache coming on…
- Lemon balm
- Chamomile
- Ginger
- Peppermint
Compresses (can be hot or cold):
Pour 3 cups boiling water over 1 TBS of herbs, steep for 20 minutes then strain. Soak cloth in mixture, wring out and place on forehead or where it aches.
- Lavender
- Peppermint
- Rosemary
- Chamomile & Lavender Infusion: Fill a glass mason jar with 1/2 cup each of fresh or dried chamomile flowers and lavender buds. Cover with boiling water and steep for 25 minutes. Strain then use as compress until cloth is cool.
- Rose Vinegar Splash: Made with white wine vinegar, rose petals and whole cloves. Hot vinegar is poured over petals and cloves and left for 10 days, strained and then liquid used as a compress. See page for details (scroll down to bottom).
- Lemon Balm & Lavender
- Apple cider vinegar (soak cloth, wring out then apply on the forehead)
- Sage: Boil fresh sage leaves for 5 minutes, strain then apply as a compress.
You can make your own bath salts with essential oils and dried herbs, keep them sealed in a glass jar until needed.
- Lavender
- Peppermint
- Rosemary
- Ginger foot bath (1 tsp ginger per gallon of hot water). Apply a cool cloth on back of neck while your feet are soaking.
Temple Dabbers:
- Lavender water
- Cinnamon & water paste (apply twice daily)
- Apple cider vinegar
- Make a paste of ground ginger and water then apply to temples (from 23 Home Remedies From The Spice Rack)
Microwaveable Heat Bags (Or Chill):
See this page for how to make them (simple cloth bags filled with uncooked rice, wheat, etc.) and add dried herbs such as lavender, marjoram, rose petals, cloves and rosemary. These can be zapped in the microwave to heat or keep them in the freezer so they’re chilled and ready to use as needed.
Apply about 4 drops of one of the essential oils below to a cloth or cotton ball, put it underneath your nose then breathe in deeply…
- Rosemary
- Basil
- Peppermint
- Sweet marjoram
- Lavender
Sniffing/Aromatherapy Sachets or Jars
*First published March 4, 2008 and moved to this page for better organization

1/4 cup dried lavender
1/4 cup cloves
1/4 cup cloves
Pouch: Made from fabric such as muslin, cotton
- Mix the lavender and cloves together then fill a fabric sachet or small drawstring pouch.
- When you feel a headache coming on, open the pouch and breathe in the fragrance to help soothe away the pain (breathe in around 5 or 6 times). Press the sachet to your forehead and temples. Repeat 30 minutes later if headache hasn’t disappeared.
- Keep the pouch sealed in a ziploc bag or airtight container and away from heat or light to preserve aroma strength and freshness.
Tip: You could also choose to skip the fabric pouch and store the lavender and cloves in a small jar with a tight seal. Shake the jar then open it and sniff deeply a few times.
You could also try a lavender and cloves herbal steam, massage your temples during the steaming.
Always choose organically grown lavender (chemical free) when using as a health aide, you should have no problem find this in a bulk health food store.
*Note: These are simply notes I have collected, they are not professional medical advice.
courtesy of TipNut
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