Cold compress:
Splash ice water on the face and eyes. Then, take ice packs or ice cubes, wrap them in a clean cotton towel and place it on closed eyelids. This helps relieve the eyelids and irritated eyes.
Add 1 teaspoon of dried chamomile flowers to 1 cup of boiled water. Steep for 5 minutes, strain, let cool, and use as an eyewash. May also be made into a compress. OR, add 12 drops of tincture of chamomile to 1 cup of boiled water, cool, and use as an eyewash.
Make a solution using 2 teaspoons of the herb to a cup of boiled water and use for a warm compress. May also be used as eyedrops, 2-3 drops, three times daily.
Cucumber Slices:
This is one of the most common remedies which effectively treats eye irritation and inflammation. Cut two slices of cucumber, place in ice cold water for 10 minutes and place them on your closed eyelids for 10 more minutes. The cool cucumber soothes your eyes. Closing and resting your eyes also helps reduce soreness.
Tea Bags:
Tea Tea contains bioflavonoids that fight viral and bacterial infections and can help reduce inflammation. Put a moist green or black teabag on the affected eye for several minutes. Repeat several times a day. If your eye is swollen, moisten the teabag with cool water. The tannic acid in the tea will soothe the itching. A weak solution of tea may be used as an eyewash.
Drink plenty of water throughout the day. Intake of extra fluids helps to keep the eyes hydrated.
Chilled Spoons:
Place four metal spoons in a glass of ice water. When chilled, place one spoon on each eye. As the spoons begin to warm, switch them with the spoons chilling in the glass of ice water. Continue until swelling subsides. The cool temperature of the metal spoons constricts the blood vessels, which helps decrease redness and puffiness in the eye area.

Witch Hazel:
American Indians used witch hazel for inflammation. Use a gauze pad or cottonballs soaked in witch hazel as a compress over closed eyes. Witch hazel has astringent properties and will help reduce the swelling.
Aloe Vera Juice:
Freeze aloe vera juice and then mix with a little bit of cold water and using a clean piece of cotton, place this mixture over your eyes. VERY soothing!!
Frozen Vegetables:
Wrap a bag of frozen vegetables in a thin towel (you want to be able to feel the cold through it). Place it over closed eyes for 10 minutes.
Castor Oil:
Many commercial eye drops contain castor oil. Purchase a clean dropper, wash it thoroughly with soapy water, and rinse well. Suck 100-percent pure castor oil into the clean dropper. Administer one drop of oil into each eye. Repeat this three times a day or as needed. The castor oil will soothe the eye and reduce the swelling and redness.
Warm Milk and Honey:
Honey has amazing anti-bacterial properties. Making an eyewash with warm milk and honey can help to soothe and treat conjunctivitis. Use equal parts of both honey and milk, making sure the milk is warm (not boiling). Mix together the remedy and keep stirring until the honey becomes smooth in the milk. Use an eyedropper and drop 2-3 drops into your eye several times a day. Alternatively, you can use this mixture as a compress. The anti-bacterial properties in the honey and the soothing effects of the milk will start to work immediately.
Apple Cider Vinegar:
Mix 1 Tbsp pure apple cider vinegar with a cup of water. Use this mixture to wash your eyes by using a cotton ball. Use apple cider vinegar which contains “mother”. “Mother” is malic acid which fights against bacterial infections.
Grate a potato and place on the eye. It is an astringent and will help reduce the inflammation. The potato may also be made into a poultice and placed over the eye for 15 minutes. Do this for three successive nights.
Rose Water:
Rose water is also helpful when a person has sore eyes. The procedure is simple, just take a cotton ball soaked in rose water and place it over the eyes. This will provide immediate relief and most of the burning will be gone after about five minutes.
Artificial Tears:
Drops will soothe the eye and help flush it out. Artificial tears are also a good way to lubricate your irritated eyes. Add two drops of artificial tears twice a day. It will help moisten the eyes. However, do not use lubricating drops that contain preservatives for more than 3 to 4 times a day. You can also create your own saline solution by adding one teaspoon of table salt to a liter (or quart) of distilled water.
Baking Soda:
Make a soothing eyewash by mixing 1/4 teaspoon of baking soda in 1/2 cup of water. Submerge your eye completely in the solution, doing your best to hold it open and roll it around for one full minute.
Cold Bread:
And last but not least….believe it or not, you can place cold bread on your eyelids and it will helps reduce irritation, itchiness and inflammation.
Courtesy of One Good Thing by Jillee
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