To prepare this recipe you will need:
1/2 cup Olive oil
1/3 cup dried plantain
1/2 ounce beeswax
1/3 cup dried plantain
1/2 ounce beeswax
Makes 1/2 cup of salve.
You will also need a pot, cheesecloth, measuring cup, and a jar (if infusing the oil via the slow/cold method).
Step One: Infuse oil
Infusing oil may sound fancy, but it is nothing more than letting herbs sit in oil for a time. Anyone can do that!
My preferred method - slow/cold/old fashioned:
The best way to infuse oil and keep as much of the herbal goodness intact is to place herbs in a jar, cover with oil, cap, and allow to sit for about 10 days.
For this recipe I used 1/3 cup of dried plantain and 1/2 cup of oil (I use grapeseed oil).
Method 2:
A quicker method, which is still good, but does reduce the potency of the herbs a little (due to the heat) is to place the herbs and oil in a heavy duty saucepan and warm over the lowest possible heat setting for 30 minutes.
When using this method, perhaps turn off the heat and cover the pan to keep some of the warmth in and let the herb/oil mix sit for longer. This is done to keep as much of the herbs properties to get into the oil as possible.
Step Two: Strain out the herbs
Once the oil is infused, strain the herbs out of the oil by pouring through some cheesecloth.
Be sure to squeeze out all the oil. You don’t want to waste any! (I have even used a new unused "knee high" if I did't have cheesecloth)
Step Three: Add beeswax
Measure 1 ounce of beeswax per cup of infused oil.
For this recipe I used 1/2 cup of oil and 1/2 ounce of beeswax.
Place beeswax into a heavy-duty saucepan and begin to melt over low heat. Once the beeswax has begun to melt add the infused oil and stir to combine.
Once the beeswax is completely melted, pour into clean a clean jar (or jars).
I have already sold some and have orders for more!
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