1. Get rid of rust
Crumple a piece of foil, and use it to rub rust spots off car bumpers and shower-curtain rods.
2. Make a funnel
Curl a section of foil into a cone shape, secure it with tape, and start pouring.
3. Fix a loose connection
Fold a 1-square-inch piece of foil several times and insert it between a battery and a loose spring to hold it in place and complete the circuit.

4. Glue down loose vinyl tilePlace a sheet of foil over a loose self-stick vinyl tile, and press a hot iron over the foil until the adhesive backing melts and sticks to the subfloor.
5. Sharpen scissorsFold a sheet of foil several times and cut through it with a pair of dull scissors to sharpen the blades.
6. Radiate heat
Wrap a piece of plywood in foil and tuck it behind a radiator to reflect heat into the room.
7. Guard against drips.
Wrap door handles, knobs, and drawer pulls with foil for quick paint-job protection.
8. Decrust your grill
Ball up a square of foil, and use it to scrub off black bits.
9. Save your steel wool
Set your scrubber on a piece of foil to keep rust away.
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